On March 20, 2012, David Crocker, in the midst of overwhelming facts that VA Shiva Ayyadurai is the inventor of email, attempted to confuse the public that "EMAIL" is not "email". Noam Chomsky has said that such actions are "childish tantrums". Mr. Crocker, in December 1977 clearly stated in a document that he authored:
"At this time, no attempt is being made to emulate a full-scale, inter-organizational mail system."
Email, upper-case, lower-case or any case is by definiton, the interoffice inter-organizational mail system which VA Shiva Ayyadurai, then a 14-year-old in Newark, New Jersey created. Mr. Crocker's attempt to now cause such confusion is deplorable. Earlier, Mr. Crocker and a coterie including the Chief Scientist at BBN helped to author a report to defame and discredit Dr. Ayyadurai. The facts herein, however, blunted that brutal attack on Dr. Ayyadurai.
Mr. Crocker and his other industry insiders' goal in spreading this new confusion is to attempt to lay claim to their work prior to 1978 as "email", but which clearly was not email. On June 10, 2012, a Wikipedia user edited the article on Shiva Ayyadurai incorporating Crocker's false claims further spreading this confusion among the public.
Screen shot of Wikipedia article on Shiva Ayyadurai prior to adding Crocker's confusing statement, as it existed on or about June 8, 2012. |
Screen shot of Wikipedia article on Shiva Ayyadurai after adding Crocker's confusing statement on 10 June, 2012. |
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